Maintainer Information ====================== .. warning:: Not Implemented... **Reserved.** Releasing --------- This section is about preparing a major/minor release, a release candidate (RC), or a bug-fix release. We follow `PEP440 `_ for the version scheme and to indicate different types of releases. Our convention is to follow the "major.minor.micro" scheme, although in practice there is no fundamental difference between major and minor releases and micro releases are bug-fix releases. We adopted the following release schedule: - Major/Minor releases every 6 months, usually in May and November. These releases are numbered ``X.Y.0`` and are preceded by one or more release candidates ``X.Y.0rcN``. - Bug-fix releases are done as needed between major/minor releases and only apply to the last stable version. These releases are numbered ``X.Y.Z``. .. rubric:: Preparation - Confirm that all blockers tagged for the milestone have been resolved, and that other issues tagged for the milestone can be postponed. - Make sure the deprecations, FIXMEs, and TODOs tagged for the release have been taken care of. - For major/minor final releases, make sure that a *Release Highlights* page has been done as a runnable example and check that its HTML rendering looks correct. It should be linked from the what's new file for the new version of scikit-learn. - Ensure that the changelog and commits correspond, and that the changelog is reasonably well curated. In particular, make sure that the changelog entries are labeled and ordered within each section. The order of the labels should be ``|MajorFeature|``, ``|Feature|``, ``|Efficiency|``, ``|Enhancement|``, ``|Fix|``, and ``|API|``. .. rubric:: Permissions - The release manager must be a **maintainer** of the repository to be able to publish on `PyPI `_ and `Test PyPI `_ (via a manual trigger of a dedicated Github Actions workflow). - The release manager must be a **maintainer** of the repository to be able to publish on ``conda-forge``. This can be changed by editing the ``recipe/meta.yaml`` file in the first release pull request. Reference Steps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^