

Not Implemented…


This project is a community effort, and everyone is welcome to contribute. It is hosted on scikit-plots/scikit-plots.

In case you experience issues using this package, do not hesitate to submit a ticket to the GitHub issue tracker. You are also welcome to post feature requests or pull requests.

Ways to contribute#

There are many ways to contribute to scikit-plots, with the most common ones being contribution of code or documentation to the project. Improving the documentation is no less important than improving the library itself. If you find a typo in the documentation, or have made improvements, do not hesitate to send an email to the mailing list or preferably submit a GitHub pull request. Full documentation can be found under the doc/ directory.

Automated Contributions Policy#

Submitting a bug report or a feature request#

We use GitHub issues to track all bugs and feature requests; feel free to open an issue if you have found a bug or wish to see a feature implemented.

How to make a good bug report#

Contributing code#

How to contribute#

The preferred way to contribute to scikit-plots is to fork the main repository on GitHub, then submit a “pull request” (PR).

In the first few steps, we explain how to locally install scikit-plots, and how to set up your git repository:

  1. Create an account on GitHub if you do not already have one.

  2. Fork the project repository: click on the ‘Fork’ button near the top of the page. This creates a copy of the code under your account on the GitHub user account. For more details on how to fork a repository see this guide.

  3. Clone your fork of the scikit-plots repo from your GitHub account to your local disk:

    git clone  # add --depth 1 if your connection is slow
    cd scikitplots
  4. Follow steps 2-6 in install_bleeding_edge to build scikit-plots in development mode and return to this document.

  5. Install the development dependencies:

    pip install pytest pytest-cov ruff mypy numpydoc black==24.3.0
  1. Add the upstream remote. This saves a reference to the main scikit-plots repository, which you can use to keep your repository synchronized with the latest changes:

    git remote add upstream
  2. Check that the upstream and origin remote aliases are configured correctly by running git remote -v which should display:

    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
    upstream (fetch)
    upstream (push)

You should now have a working installation of scikit-plots, and your git repository properly configured. It could be useful to run some test to verify your installation.

The next steps now describe the process of modifying code and submitting a PR:

  1. Synchronize your main branch with the upstream/main branch, more details on GitHub Docs:

    git checkout main
    git fetch upstream
    git merge upstream/main
  2. Create a feature branch to hold your development changes:

    git checkout -b my_feature

    and start making changes. Always use a feature branch. It’s good practice to never work on the main branch!

  3. (Optional) Install pre-commit to run code style checks before each commit:

    pip install pre-commit
    pre-commit install

    pre-commit checks can be disabled for a particular commit with git commit -n.

  4. Develop the feature on your feature branch on your computer, using Git to do the version control. When you’re done editing, add changed files using git add and then git commit:

    git add modified_files
    git commit

    to record your changes in Git, then push the changes to your GitHub account with:

    git push -u origin my_feature
  5. Follow these instructions to create a pull request from your fork. This will send an email to the committers. You may want to consider sending an email to the mailing list for more visibility.

It is often helpful to keep your local feature branch synchronized with the latest changes of the main scikit-plots repository:

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main

Subsequently, you might need to solve the conflicts. You can refer to the Git documentation related to resolving merge conflict using the command line.

Pull request checklist#

Before a PR can be merged, it needs to be approved by two core developers. An incomplete contribution – where you expect to do more work before receiving a full review – should be marked as a draft pull request and changed to “ready for review” when it matures. Draft PRs may be useful to: indicate you are working on something to avoid duplicated work, request broad review of functionality or API, or seek collaborators. Draft PRs often benefit from the inclusion of a task list in the PR description.

In order to ease the reviewing process, we recommend that your contribution complies with the following rules before marking a PR as “ready for review”. The bolded ones are especially important:

  1. Give your pull request a helpful title that summarizes what your contribution does. This title will often become the commit message once merged so it should summarize your contribution for posterity. In some cases “Fix <ISSUE TITLE>” is enough. “Fix #<ISSUE NUMBER>” is never a good title.

  2. Make sure your code passes the tests. The whole test suite can be run with pytest, but it is usually not recommended since it takes a long time. It is often enough to only run the test related to your changes: for example, if you changed something in sklearn/linear_model/, running the following commands will usually be enough:

    • pytest sklearn/linear_model/ to make sure the doctest examples are correct

    • pytest sklearn/linear_model/tests/ to run the tests specific to the file

    • pytest sklearn/linear_model to test the whole linear_model module

    • pytest doc/modules/linear_model.rst to make sure the user guide examples are correct.

    • pytest sklearn/tests/ -k LogisticRegression to run all our estimator checks (specifically for LogisticRegression, if that’s the estimator you changed).

    There may be other failing tests, but they will be caught by the CI so you don’t need to run the whole test suite locally. For guidelines on how to use pytest efficiently.

  3. Make sure your code is properly commented and documented, and make sure the documentation renders properly. To build the documentation, please refer to our Documentation guidelines. The CI will also build the docs: please refer to Generated documentation on GitHub Actions.

  4. Tests are necessary for enhancements to be accepted. Bug-fixes or new features should be provided with non-regression tests. These tests verify the correct behavior of the fix or feature. In this manner, further modifications on the code base are granted to be consistent with the desired behavior. In the case of bug fixes, at the time of the PR, the non-regression tests should fail for the code base in the main branch and pass for the PR code.

  5. Follow the coding-guidelines.

  6. When applicable, use the validation tools and scripts in the sklearn.utils module. A list of utility routines available for developers can be found in the Utilities for Developers page.

  7. Often pull requests resolve one or more other issues (or pull requests). If merging your pull request means that some other issues/PRs should be closed, you should use keywords to create link to them (e.g., Fixes #1234; multiple issues/PRs are allowed as long as each one is preceded by a keyword). Upon merging, those issues/PRs will automatically be closed by GitHub. If your pull request is simply related to some other issues/PRs, or it only partially resolves the target issue, create a link to them without using the keywords (e.g., Towards #1234).

  8. PRs should often substantiate the change, through benchmarks of performance and efficiency (see Monitoring performance) or through examples of usage. Examples also illustrate the features and intricacies of the library to users. Have a look at other examples in the examples/ directory for reference. Examples should demonstrate why the new functionality is useful in practice and, if possible, compare it to other methods available in scikit-plots.

  9. New features have some maintenance overhead. We expect PR authors to take part in the maintenance for the code they submit, at least initially. New features need to be illustrated with narrative documentation in the user guide, with small code snippets. If relevant, please also add references in the literature, with PDF links when possible.

  10. The user guide should also include expected time and space complexity of the algorithm and scalability, e.g. “this algorithm can scale to a large number of samples > 100000, but does not scale in dimensionality: n_features is expected to be lower than 100”.

Continuous Integration (CI)#

Commit message markers#

Please note that if one of the following markers appear in the latest commit message, the following actions are taken.

Commit Message Marker

Action Taken by CI

[ci skip]

CI is skipped completely

[cd build]

CD is run (wheels and source distribution are built)

[cd build gh]

CD is run only for GitHub Actions

[cd build cirrus]

CD is run only for Cirrus CI

[lint skip]

Azure pipeline skips linting


Build & test with our dependencies (numpy, scipy, etc.) development builds


Build & test with CPython 3.13 free-threaded


Build & test with Pyodide

[azure parallel]

Run Azure CI jobs in parallel

[cirrus arm]

Run Cirrus CI ARM test


Run float32 tests by setting SKLEARN_RUN_FLOAT32_TESTS=1.

[doc skip]

Docs are not built

[doc quick]

Docs built, but excludes example gallery plots

[doc build]

Docs built including example gallery plots (very long)

Note that, by default, the documentation is built but only the examples that are directly modified by the pull request are executed.

Stalled pull requests#

As contributing a feature can be a lengthy process, some pull requests appear inactive but unfinished. In such a case, taking them over is a great service for the project. A good etiquette to take over is:

  • Determine if a PR is stalled

    • A pull request may have the label “stalled” or “help wanted” if we have already identified it as a candidate for other contributors.

    • To decide whether an inactive PR is stalled, ask the contributor if she/he plans to continue working on the PR in the near future. Failure to respond within 2 weeks with an activity that moves the PR forward suggests that the PR is stalled and will result in tagging that PR with “help wanted”.

      Note that if a PR has received earlier comments on the contribution that have had no reply in a month, it is safe to assume that the PR is stalled and to shorten the wait time to one day.

      After a sprint, follow-up for un-merged PRs opened during sprint will be communicated to participants at the sprint, and those PRs will be tagged “sprint”. PRs tagged with “sprint” can be reassigned or declared stalled by sprint leaders.

  • Taking over a stalled PR: To take over a PR, it is important to comment on the stalled PR that you are taking over and to link from the new PR to the old one. The new PR should be created by pulling from the old one.

Stalled and Unclaimed Issues#

Generally speaking, issues which are up for grabs will have a “help wanted”. tag. However, not all issues which need contributors will have this tag, as the “help wanted” tag is not always up-to-date with the state of the issue. Contributors can find issues which are still up for grabs using the following guidelines:

  • First, to determine if an issue is claimed:

    • Check for linked pull requests

    • Check the conversation to see if anyone has said that they’re working on creating a pull request

  • If a contributor comments on an issue to say they are working on it, a pull request is expected within 2 weeks (new contributor) or 4 weeks (contributor or core dev), unless an larger time frame is explicitly given. Beyond that time, another contributor can take the issue and make a pull request for it. We encourage contributors to comment directly on the stalled or unclaimed issue to let community members know that they will be working on it.

  • If the issue is linked to a stalled pull request, we recommend that contributors follow the procedure described in the Stalled pull requests section rather than working directly on the issue.

Issues for New Contributors#

New contributors should look for the following tags when looking for issues. We strongly recommend that new contributors tackle “easy” issues first: this helps the contributor become familiar with the contribution workflow, and for the core devs to become acquainted with the contributor; besides which, we frequently underestimate how easy an issue is to solve!

  • Good first issue tag

    A great way to start contributing to scikit-plots is to pick an item from the list of good first issues in the issue tracker. Resolving these issues allow you to start contributing to the project without much prior knowledge. If you have already contributed to scikit-plots, you should look at Easy issues instead.

  • Easy tag

    If you have already contributed to scikit-plots, another great way to contribute to scikit-plots is to pick an item from the list of Easy issues in the issue tracker. Your assistance in this area will be greatly appreciated by the more experienced developers as it helps free up their time to concentrate on other issues.

  • Help wanted tag

    We often use the help wanted tag to mark issues regardless of difficulty. Additionally, we use the help wanted tag to mark Pull Requests which have been abandoned by their original contributor and are available for someone to pick up where the original contributor left off. The list of issues with the help wanted tag can be found here. Note that not all issues which need contributors will have this tag.


We are glad to accept any sort of documentation:

Building the documentation#

Generated documentation on GitHub Actions#

Testing and improving test coverage#

Monitoring performance#

Issue Tracker Tags#

All issues and pull requests on the GitHub issue tracker should have (at least) one of the following tags:


Something is happening that clearly shouldn’t happen. Wrong results as well as unexpected errors from estimators go here.


Improving performance, usability, consistency.


Missing, incorrect or sub-standard documentations and examples.

New Feature:

Feature requests and pull requests implementing a new feature.

There are four other tags to help new contributors:

Good first issue:

This issue is ideal for a first contribution to scikit-plots. Ask for help if the formulation is unclear. If you have already contributed to scikit-plots, look at Easy issues instead.


This issue can be tackled without much prior experience.


Might need some knowledge of machine learning or the package, but is still approachable for someone new to the project.

Help wanted:

This tag marks an issue which currently lacks a contributor or a PR that needs another contributor to take over the work. These issues can range in difficulty, and may not be approachable for new contributors. Note that not all issues which need contributors will have this tag.

Maintaining backwards compatibility#


If any publicly accessible class, function, method, attribute or parameter is renamed, we still support the old one for two releases and issue a deprecation warning when it is called, passed, or accessed.

Code Review Guidelines#

Reviewing code contributed to the project as PRs is a crucial component of scikit-plots development. We encourage anyone to start reviewing code of other developers. The code review process is often highly educational for everybody involved. This is particularly appropriate if it is a feature you would like to use, and so can respond critically about whether the PR meets your needs. While each pull request needs to be signed off by two core developers, you can speed up this process by providing your feedback.

Reading the existing code base#

Reading and digesting an existing code base is always a difficult exercise that takes time and experience to master. Even though we try to write simple code in general, understanding the code can seem overwhelming at first, given the sheer size of the project. Here is a list of tips that may help make this task easier and faster (in no particular order).