
class scikitplot.modelplotpy.ModelPlotPy(feature_data=[], label_data=[], dataset_labels=[], models=[], model_labels=[], ntiles=10, seed=0)[source]#

ModelPlotPy decile analysis.

feature_datalist of objects (n_datasets, )

Objects containing the X matrix for one or more different datasets.

label_datalist of objects (n_datasets, )

Objects of the y vector for one or more different datasets.

dataset_labelslist of str (n_datasets, )

Containing the names of the different feature_data and label_data combination pairs.

modelslist of objects (n_models, )

Containing the sk-learn model objects.

model_labelslist of str (n_models, )

Names of the (sk-learn) models.

ntilesint, default 10

The number of splits range is (2, inf]:

  • 10 is called deciles

  • 100 is called percentiles

  • any other value is an ntile

seedint, default=0

Making the splits reproducible.

Changed in version 0.3.9: Default changed from 999 to 0.


If there is no match with the complete list or the input list again


Create eval_t_tot

This function builds the pandas dataframe eval_t_tot and contains the aggregated output. The data is aggregated over datasets (feature and label-data pairs) and list of models.

feature_datalist of objects (n_datasets, )

Objects containing the X matrix for one or more different datasets.

label_datalist of objects (n_datasets, )

Objects of the y vector for one or more different datasets.

dataset_labelslist of str (n_datasets, )

Containing the names of the different feature feature_data and label label_data data combination pairs.

modelslist of objects (n_models, )

Containing the sk-learn model objects.

model_labelslist of str (n_models, )

Names of the (sk-learn) models.

ntilesint, default 10

The number of splits 10 is called deciles, 100 is called percentiles and any other value is an ntile. Range is (2, inf].

seedint, default=0

Making the splits reproducible.

Changed in version 0.3.9: Default changed from 999 to 0.


Pandas dataframe with combination of all datasets, models, target values and ntiles. It already contains almost all necessary information for model plotting.


If there is no match with the complete list or the input list again.


Get parameters of the model plots object.

Added in version 0.3.9.

plotting_scope(scope='no_comparison', select_model_label=[], select_dataset_label=[], select_targetclass=[], select_smallest_targetclass=True)[source]#

Create plot_input

This function builds the pandas dataframe plot_input which is a subset of scores_and_ntiles. The dataset is the subset of scores_and_ntiles that is dependent of 1 of the 4 evaluation types that a user can request.

Changed in version 0.3.9: Parameters has been reorganized.

scope{‘no_comparison’, ‘compare_models’, ‘compare_datasets’, ‘compare_targetclasses’}, default=’no_comparison’

How is this function evaluated? There are 4 different perspectives to evaluate model plots.

  1. scope='no_comparison'

    This perspective will show a single plot that contains the viewpoint from:

    • 1 dataset

    • 1 model

    • 1 target class

  2. scope='compare_models'

    This perspective will show plots that contains the viewpoint from:

    • 2 or more different models

    • 1 dataset

    • 1 target class

  3. scope='compare_datasets'

    This perspective will show plots that contains the viewpoint from:

    • 2 or more different datasets

    • 1 model

    • 1 target class

  4. scope='compare_targetclasses'

    This perspective will show plots that contains the viewpoint from:

    • 2 or more different target classes

    • 1 dataset

    • 1 model

select_model_labellist of str

List of one or more elements from the model_name parameter.

select_dataset_labellist of str

List of one or more elements from the description parameter.

select_targetclasslist of str

List of one or more elements from the label data.

select_smallest_targetclassbool, default = True

Should the plot only contain the results of the smallest targetclass. If True, the specific target is defined from the first dataset.


Pandas dataframe, a subset of scores_and_ntiles, for all dataset, model and target value combinations for all ntiles. It contains all necessary information for model plotting.


If the wrong scope value is specified.

Return type:



Create eval_tot

This function builds the pandas dataframe eval_tot that contains for each feature and label data pair given a description the actual and predicted value. It loops over the different models with the given model_name.

feature_datalist of objects (n_datasets, )

Objects containing the X matrix for one or more different datasets.

label_datalist of objects (n_datasets, )

Objects of the y vector for one or more different datasets.

dataset_labelslist of str (n_datasets, )

Containing the names of the different feature feature_data and label label_data data combination pairs.

modelslist of objects (n_models, )

Containing the sk-learn model objects.

model_labelslist of str (n_models, )

Names of the (sk-learn) models.

ntilesint, default 10

The number of splits 10 is called deciles, 100 is called percentiles and any other value is an ntile. Range is (2, inf].

seedint, default=0

Making the splits reproducible.

Changed in version 0.3.9: Default changed from 999 to 0.


Pandas dataframe for all given information and for each target_class it makes a prediction and ntile. For each ntile a small value (based on the seed) is added and normalized to make the results reproducible.


If there is no match with the complete list or the input list again


Reset all parameters to default values.

Added in version 0.3.9.


Set parameters of the model plots object.

Added in version 0.3.9.