
scikitplot._astropy.stats.calculate_bin_edges(a, bins=10, range=None, weights=None)[source]#

Calculate histogram bin edges like numpy.histogram_bin_edges.


Input data. The bin edges are calculated over the flattened array.

binsint, list, or str, optional

If bins is an int, it is the number of bins. If it is a list it is taken to be the bin edges. If it is a string, it must be one of ‘blocks’, ‘knuth’, ‘scott’ or ‘freedman’. See ~astropy.stats.histogram for a description of each method.

rangetuple or None, optional

The minimum and maximum range for the histogram. If not specified, it will be (a.min(), a.max()). However, if bins is a list it is returned unmodified regardless of the range argument.

weightsarray-like, optional

An array the same shape as a. If given, the histogram accumulates the value of the weight corresponding to a instead of returning the count of values. This argument does not affect determination of bin edges, though they may be used in the future as new methods are added.


Histogram bin edges

  • a (ArrayLike)

  • bins (int | list[float] | Literal['blocks', 'knuth', 'scott', 'freedman'] | None)

  • range (tuple[float, float] | None)

  • weights (ArrayLike | None)

Return type:
